Mrs. Sciame has been working with small groups of fourth graders to help solidify difficult math concepts. Here they are justifying their reasoning using base ten blocks, drawings, models, or words.
Ms. Garcia's class was practicing their Spanish speaking skills by talking about their daily routine.
Students are reviewing past concepts they have studied and having fun with this fall-themed board game with Mr. Villazón and Ms. Velázquez.
Ms. Garcia's class was also “Reading our room” in order to find different nouns. They will then classify them into common or proper nouns (sustantivos comunes y propios).
Every morning students from Mrs. Zekoff’s and Ms.Martinez’s class start their day with a morning meeting. They analyze a quote and how theycan apply it to their lives. They also take time to answer a silly question to start the day right.
Mr. Villazón’s students are scanning the room for nouns and classifying them into proper or common.
Ms. Velázquez’s students work together to put together a puzzle of vowels and beginning sounds.
Mrs. Zekoff’s homeroom worked together to complete building tiles on place value. They had to use all their resources to complete the slides and communicate with each other.
Not all heroes wear capes, some wear hairnets and gloves! Our behind-the-scenes superheroes in the kitchen at Jefferson prefer to keep their secret identity. We still want to thank our kitchen staff for all they do to provide healthy meals for our students!
Ms. Val from MCCD came to all the fifth grade classes this week. Students learned about how the Native Americans from our area used natural resources in their every day lives.
Ms. Sciame was in Miss Buckley's classroom working with a small group on rounding.
We are so thankful for our guest teachers/substitutes! Thank you Mrs. Shaffer for sharing this place value activity with us!
Ms. Garcia's class has been reviewing their vocabulary learning of the week in groups with structured instructions. Every time one group finished one of the assignments, they came to the whiteboard to cross it out of their to-do list.
We are developing Collaboration and Organization skills!
There are many important people behind the scenes that help make Jefferson run smoothly! We would like to thank our hardworking custodial staff for everything they do to keep our school clean! Thank you so much to Mike, Bertoldo, and Yesenia!
One of our awesome 5th grade students was picking up trash on our playground during recess! She says she wants our school to look good!
Ms. Allyson came by Mrs. Hay's 4th grade class to teach the second lesson of Jefferson's Respect Curriculum. Students learned some strategies to deal with disrespectful students at school. They all had great ideas and responses!!
Using the Spanish rhyme, A E I O U - ¡El burro sabe más que tú!
Ms. Velázquez’s WIN time group always begin their lessons by reviewing their vowel sounds. (WIN = What I Need)
Mrs. Schneider's 4th grade class is learning about genres and how to find the books they like, in the library with Miss Nelson.
Students in Ms. Dias’ 4th grade class planted seeds in cotton for their Science class. They are keeping a daily journal for observations. 🌱
Ms. Dias' 4th grade class was enjoying their reading groups with Mr. Shields and Mrs. Schneider.