Happy International Women's Day! (March 8) 💐 ¡Feliz Día Internacional de la Mujer! (8 de marzo) #JeffersonJourney🐝
1 day ago, Sharon Velazquez
women's day
Working hard at the new library! 📚 ¡Trabajando duro en la nueva biblioteca! #JeffersonJourney🐝
1 day ago, Sharon Velazquez
new library
new library
4th graders are working with snap circuits to create electric powered devices. ⚡ Los estudiantes de 4to grado están trabajando con circuitos a presión para crear dispositivos alimentados eléctricamente. #JeffersonJourney🐝
1 day ago, Sharon Velazquez
4th grade stem
4th grade stem
4th grade stem
4th grade stem
4th grade stem
ESL students classify sentences into the correct season by using their acquired vocabulary about weather and temperature. ☁️🌡️ Los alumnos de inglés como segundo idioma usan su vocabulario adquirido sobre el clima y la temperatura para clasificar oraciones. #JeffersonJourney🐝
2 days ago, Sharon Velazquez
weather and seasons
weather and seasons
Students have been saving up their Bee-Bucks to pay Daisy and Leo a visit! 🐰💕🐰 Los estudiantes han estado ahorrando sus Bee Bucks para comprar visitas a los conejos. #JeffersonJourney🐝
2 days ago, Sharon Velazquez
bunny visits
bunny visits
bunny visits
bunny visits
Hey 5th grade girls, want to play volleyball at the Junior High??? This is your chance- check out these upcoming dates for Volleyball Open Gym!!! 🤩🏐🤩🏐 Contact Mrs. Kruckenberg for more info! Chicas de 5to, estas fechas son tu oportunidad de jugar voleibol en la intermedia!
3 days ago, Sharon Velazquez
volleyball open gym
Mrs. Haylock's class had a classroom expectations goal party! Way to go! 🎉 ¡La clase de la Sra. Haylock celebró una fiesta por cumplir las expectativas del aula! ¡Bien hecho! #JeffersonJourney🐝
4 days ago, Sharon Velazquez
classroom expectations
classroom expectations
classroom expectations
Mrs. Schneider's homeroom worked on classifying words in Spanish class with Ms. Marín. 🕵️ El aula de la Sra. Schneider trabajó en la clasificación de palabras en la clase de español con la Sra. Marín. #JeffersonJourney🐝
4 days ago, Sharon Velazquez
classifying words
classifying words
classifying words
classifying words
classifying words
classifying words
4th graders in Mrs. Hay's class were working collaboratively, answering questions about Niko Tesla while reading a biography about the scientist. ✍️ Los alumnos de la Sra. Hay colaboraron en una tarea sobre el científico Niko Tesla. #JeffersonJourney🐝
5 days ago, Sharon Velazquez
niko tesla
niko tesla
niko tesla
Ms. Ryan's SEL group is working on building their self-awareness and created positive affirmation books. ☺️📖👍 El grupo SEL de la Srta. Ryan está trabajando en desarrollar su autoconciencia y creó libros de afirmaciones positivas. #JeffersonJourney🐝
5 days ago, Sharon Velazquez
affirmation books
affirmation books
affirmation books
Ms. Joslyn and her classes surprised Mr. Villazon and his wife with a lovely baby shower!👶🎀 ¡La Sra. Joslyn y sus clases sorprendieron al Sr. Villazón y su esposa con un encantador baby shower! #JeffersonJourney🐝
8 days ago, Sharon Velazquez
baby shower
baby shower
baby shower
baby shower
baby shower
Ms. Marín's class reviews verbs by playing a game of I Have, Who Has. 🤔 La clase de la Sra. Marín repasa los verbos con un juego de Yo Tengo, Quien Tiene. #JeffersonJourney🐝
8 days ago, Sharon Velazquez
i have who has
i have who has
i have who has
Coloring reward with Ms. Velázquez 😊🖍️ Recompensa de colorear con la Srta. Velázquez. #JeffersonJourney🐝 #BeeBucks
9 days ago, Sharon Velazquez
coloring reward
coloring reward
Ms. Shearer's students are learning about energy and collision. They designed different experiments to show how cars can transfer energy through collision. 🚗 Los alumnos de la Srta. Shearer están aprendiendo sobre energía y colisión. #JeffersonJourney🐝
9 days ago, Sharon Velazquez
auto design
auto design
auto design
auto design
Thank you Coach Gonzalez and the HS girls' soccer team for joining us today with some fun trivia questions and some Harvard swag! ⚽⚽⚽ ¡Gracias al entrenador González y al equipo de fútbol femenino de la escuela secundaria por acompañarnos hoy! #JeffersonJourney🐝
10 days ago, Sharon Velazquez
hs soccer
hs soccer
hs soccer
hs soccer
In our February Assembly, we recognized students and classes that showed the most empathy. We also had some CiCo grads!🏆 Then, Mr Cuetara and Mr Bright demonstrated how to play today's minute-to-win-it game: Head hoops!🏀 En la asamblea de febrero, reconocimos la empatía. #JeffersonJourney🐝
10 days ago, Sharon Velazquez
february assembly
february assembly
february assembly
february assembly
february assembly
february assembly
february assembly
february assembly
Can you tell we are SO excited for the new art room?! Mrs. Schneider's class inaugurated Ms. Ryan's new space! 😃🎨 ¿Se nota que estamos MUY emocionados por el nuevo salón de arte? ¡La clase de la Sra. Schneider inauguró el nuevo espacio de la Sra. Ryan! #JeffersonJourney🐝
11 days ago, Sharon Velazquez
new art room
new art room
new art room
new art room
Thank you for reading with us, high schoolers! 🫶 ¡Gracias por leer con nosotros, estudiantes de secundaria! #JeffersonJourney🐝
11 days ago, Sharon Velazquez
HS reading
HS reading
HS reading
HS reading
Mrs. Beese's small groups practice writing CER paragraphs (claim, evidence, reasoning). ✍️ En los grupos pequeños con la Sra. Beese, los alumnos practican escribir párrafos. #JeffersonJourney🐝
12 days ago, Sharon Velazquez
paragraph writing
paragraph writing
Fun times @ Game with a friend!!! 😄😄😄 Tiempos divertidos jugando con un amigo!!! #JeffersonJourney🐝
12 days ago, Sharon Velazquez
game with a friend
game with a friend
game with a friend
game with a friend
game with a friend
game with a friend