Students in Ms. Kee's fourth grade class strengthen their language skills while having fun with board games.
Mrs. Rosales and Mr. Alamo's classes took a walking field trip to the Story Walk at Diggins Library to read "Twenty-One Steps" by Jeff Gottesfeld.
Please watch this important message from Dr. Floeter regarding the traffic flow near Jefferson Elementary School. / Mire este mensaje importante del Dr. Floeter sobre el flujo de tráfico cerca de la Escuela Primaria Jefferson.
Jefferson's bunnies, Daisy and Leo, hope you have a fun and relaxing Labor Day weekend!
Ms. Frasik and Mrs. Murillo's 5th graders took a walking field trip to Diggins Library to see the new book on the Storywalk. This story coincides with the Traveling Tribute Wall that is coming to Milky Way Park, September 8-11.
All of the STEM classes are working on their first Team Building Challenge. They had to make the longest chain using 2 pieces of construction paper, 12 in. of tape, and scissors. They did a great job of working together!
Miss Walker's class practiced place value by counting up to 1,000 or more beans using cups and a place value chart. They wrote their total in standard, written, and expanded form and had a blast working together!
Ms. Kee's class is making the best of a rainy day and indoor recess by working and playing together.
Mrs. Kruckenberg's fifth grade class is working on collaboration and mindset for math. They worked in groups to create a design with the given pattern blocks that includes 10 hexagons.
Parents and Guardians,
Please join us for Curriculum Night on Thursday, September 1. Each grade will have their own time with homeroom teachers. 4th Grade is 5:45 - 6:15 P.M. and 5th grade is 6:30 - 7:00 P.M. Doors will open for 4th grade parents at 5:30 with a start in the gym. Doors for 5th grade will open at 5:30 with a start in the gym. Additional parking on the playgroun. Hope to see you all then.
Our Flyer:
Jefferson Elementary Curriculum Night!
Thursday September 1, 2022
Mrs. Hay's fourth grade class reviewed place value with beans & cups. The students also extended their thinking by using this hands-on model by showing the number that would be 10 times greater than 248! Lots of thinking and counting happening!
Ms. Garcia's fourth graders worked together to get to know each other and go over expectations. They created posters in Spanish with examples of how to be respectful, responsible and safe at Jefferson.
Spotlight on Specials! Jefferson's Specials team has a lot of new faces and a few familiar ones. They are all excited to be helping your students to learn in fun and creative ways this year!
Back/left: Matthew Murray, Character Education, Lucas Hunt, Physical Education, Kathryn Jahnke, STEM, Joelle Nelson, Library Media Specialist, Sheyanne Ryan, Art.
Front/left: Erika Coffer, 5th Grade Band, Allyson Pietrusiak, School Counselor, Lauri Swenson, Music.
Mrs. Kruckenberg's fifth graders learned how to play spoons while working on their math facts. This also gave them time to build up their relationships and have a great time together.
Today, Harvard High School Marching Band had the opportunity to play for our Jefferson Students! #HarvardRising
¡Hoy, la Banda Marchante de la Escuela Secundaria de Harvard tuvo la oportunidad de tocar para nuestros estudiantes de Jefferson! #HarvardRising
Calling all 5th graders! Come join the band!
Jefferson Elementary
Tuesday August 23rd
3:30-7:30 pm (it will only take 15 minutes)
We had a wonderful first day of school! Thank you to all Harvard families for your preparation and flexibility to help our students have the best day possible.
Looking forward, here is a glance at our school calendar! You can find the list view and academic school calendar at:
Harvard Families - tomorrow, August 17, is the first day of school! We can't wait to see our students. Don't forget that all students can grab breakfast when they get to school if they wish!
See you tomorrow!
-D50 Communications
Familias de Harvard:
¡mañana, 17 de agosto, es el primer día de clases! No podemos esperar a ver a nuestros estudiantes. ¡No olvide que todos los estudiantes pueden desayunar cuando lleguen a la escuela si lo desean!
¡Te veo mañana!
-D50 Comunicaciones
Jefferson Students - you have a new Student Support Facilitator this year! Meet your wonderful leaders below.
Dr. Floeter (Principal)
Mrs. Wargaski (Student Support Facilitator)