What does December 31, 2026, look like?
In 2017, Harvard CUSD 50 created District BHAG's to put their mission and vision into action. The district works towards these goals every day with the intention to achieve them by December 31, 2026. The 6 BHAG's (listed below) will put us in the top tier of districts nationwide. As we work toward these goals, we want our students and staff to be deliriously happy and be working in modern 21st-century learning spaces.
Dr. Corey Tafoya
2021-2022 Annual Report
We will be a Model PLC District
We will have AVID Demonstration Schools
Over 50% of our graduates will earn the Seal of Biliteracy
98% of our students will graduate
Deliriously happy people
Working in modern, 21st-century learning spaces