Ms. Velazquez’s ESL students built words using string and letter beads. 🧵🔡
Los estudiantes de ESL de la Srta. Velazquez construyeron palabras usando hilo y letras.

In STEM with Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Kruckenberg’s and Mr. Ochoa’s 5th graders played a card game to reinforce food web concepts. 🕸️
En STEM con la Sra. Brown, los alumnos jugaron un juego de cartas para reforzar los conceptos de la red alimentaria.

Ms. Shearer's students wrote letters to veterans, thanking them for their service. They loved the letters! 📝
Los alumnos de la Sra. Shearer escribieron cartas a los veteranos para agradecerles su servicio. ¡Les encantaron las cartas!

On November 11 and always, we honor those who served with a lot of gratitude. 🇺🇸
El 11 de noviembre y siempre, honramos a quienes sirvieron con mucha gratitud.

In Music with Mr. Trashorras, students collaborate to compose a beat and create a unique rhythm. 🎶
En música con el Sr. Trashorras, los estudiantes colaboran para componer un compás y crear un ritmo único.

Students treated their tastebuds by sampling some fun healthy foods in the cafeteria! They tried purple cauliflower, star fruit, rainbow carrots, edamame, and jicama! 😋
Los estudiantes probaron diferentes alimentos saludables y divertidos en la cafetería.

Congrats Ms. Marín’s class for winning the Red Ribbon Week door decorating contest! There were so many great doors to choose from! 🚪🥇
¡Felicidades a la clase de la Srta. Marín por ganar el concurso de la mejor puerta!

"Readers are leaders" - Just ask Mrs. Hay's class! 📚
"Los lectores son líderes"- ¡Pregúntele a la clase de la Sra. Hay!

Mrs. Witt's and Ms. Murillo's homerooms practiced making pinch pot with playdough in Art class with Ms. Ryan. 🎨
La clase de la Sra. Witt y la Sra. Murillo practican crear ollas de plastilina en la clase de arte.

High School AVID volunteers helped Mrs. Lindberg's class with some virtual escape rooms. 💻 Los voluntarios AVID de la escuela superior ayudaron a la clase de la Sra. Lindberg con un proyecto virtual. #JeffersonJourney🐝

Ms. Marín's groups ended their animal and plant adaptations unit with an artistic proyect. 🌱🐾
Los grupos de la Srta. Marín finalizaron su unidad sobre adaptaciones de animales y plantas con un proyecto artístico.

In STEM with Mrs. Brown, 5th graders had to design a pumpkin picker to harvest the pumpkin patch in the fewest moves possible. A group of clever engineers did it in ONE MOVE!🎃
En STEM, diseñaron un recolector de calabazas para cosechar la huerta de calabazas.

Yesterday, Mr. Ochoa's class completed a fun and spooky Escape Room task where they solved different challenges in Spanish. 💻
La clase del Sr. Ochoa completó un desafío en la clase de español en donde resolvían acertijos para escapar.

After reading the book Room on the Broom, Ms. Shearer's students made a structure out of straws to see how many pumpkins it could hold. 🎃
Después de leer el libro Room on the Broom, los estudiantes de la Sra. Shearer hicieron un experimento de STEM.

All week long, Mr. Bright set a spooky ambience in the gym for a game of Ghosts in the Graveyard!👻
¡El Sr. Bright creó un ambiente espeluznante en el gimnasio para un juego de Fantasmas en el Cementerio!

Check out some pictures of our costume parade! More coming soon! 👻👽🤖🧙🧚🧛🧜
¡Mira algunas fotos de nuestro desfile de disfraces! ¡Pronto habrá más!

We had a fantastic day today!
Read the following message sent out today regarding Halloween candy tomorrow:
Good afternoon, everyone, and Happy Halloween! I am writing to you to seek your partnership for tomorrow. Halloween can be a wonderful event for our students, especially those who participate in Trick-Or-Treating. With that in mind, we are asking for your help in NOT sending students to school with excessive Halloween candy tomorrow. The reasons are as follows:
Health and Nutrition: Schools promote healthy eating habits, and too much candy can contribute to unhealthy snacking. With growing concerns over child health, it’s essential to limit sugary treats in school settings.
Allergy Safety: Many children and staff members have food allergies, especially to ingredients like nuts or dairy found in Halloween candy. Avoiding candy in school can prevent potential allergic reactions.
Focus on Learning: Schools are environments focused on learning. Sugary treats can lead to sugar rushes and crashes, affecting concentration and classroom behavior.
Inclusivity: Some students may not celebrate Halloween, and bringing candy can create feelings of exclusion. By avoiding candy in school, you can create a more inclusive environment for everyone.
Preventing Mess and Distractions: Candy wrappers and sticky treats can create a mess in classrooms and become a distraction. Limiting candy helps keep the school clean and minimizes distractions.
We thank you for your support.
Dr. Rebecca Adams

Some fantastic creatures in Ms. Britton's class were solving a spooky word search. ✏️👻
Algunas criaturas fantásticas en la clase de la Sra. Britton estaban resolviendo una sopa de letras.

Students that purchased the Out of this World Event tickets had a blast participating in 5 different stations: parachute, tug of war, races, chalk, and making ice cream! 😝
Los estudiantes se divirtieron mucho participando en 5 estaciones diferentes.

During the month of October, Jefferson students were star collaborators! 🤝In today's assembly, we recognized students and classes that went above and beyond. 🌟 Then, we played a new and challenging minute-to-win-it game.
En la asamblea de hoy, reconocimos a los estudiantes y clases que se destacaron siendo colaboradores durante el mes de octubre.