Homecoming Week- Day 5! Time to show some school spirit with the black and gold colors!!💛🖤💛🖤💛🖤💛 Semana de Homecoming- Día 5. ¡Es hora de mostrar ánimo escolar con los colores negro y dorado! #JeffersonJourney🐝
3 months ago, Sharon Velazquez
black and gold
black and gold
black and gold
black and gold
black and gold
black and gold
Game With A Friend is still the most popular Bee-Buck reward here at Jefferson! 😝😝😝 ¡Juego con un amigo sigue siendo la recompensa de Bee-Bucks más popular aquí en Jefferson! #JeffersonJourney🐝
3 months ago, Sharon Velazquez
game with a friend
game with a friend
game with a friend
game with a friend
game with a friend
Homecoming Week- Day 4! Check out these crazy hairstyles and funky hats! 🎩🧢 Semana de Homecoming- Día 4. ¡Mira estos peinados locos y sombreros divertidos! #JeffersonJourney🐝
3 months ago, Sharon Velazquez
crazy hair and hat
crazy hair and hat
crazy hair and hat
crazy hair and hat
crazy hair and hat
crazy hair and hat
In Ms. Velázquez's Newcomer HIVE, students raced to the finish while naming different classroom objects!✏️📒📏 En el grupo de HIVE de Srta. Velázquez, los alumnos nombraban objetos de la clase en una carrera hasta la meta final. #JeffersonJourney🐝
3 months ago, Sharon Velazquez
classroom objects
classroom objects
classroom objects
Homecoming Week- Day 3! Students dressed up as their favorite animated character. 👸🧙‍♀️ Semana de Homecoming- Día 3. Los estudiantes se vistieron como su personaje animado favorito. #JeffersonJourney🐝
3 months ago, Sharon Velazquez
character day
character day
character day
character day
character day
character day
character day
character day
character day
character day
Gym class fun with Mr. Bright and Mr. Cuétara! ¡Diversión en la clase de gimnasia con el Sr. Bright y el Sr. Cuétara! #JeffersonJourney🐝
4 months ago, Sharon Velazquez
gym class fun
gym class fun
gym class fun
gym class fun
Homecoming Week- Day 2! Students dressed up as their future careers. 🧑‍⚕️👷👩‍🎨👩‍🍳👩‍💻 Semana de Homecoming- Día 2. Los estudiantes se vistieron como sus futuras carreras. #JeffersonJourney🐝
4 months ago, Sharon Velazquez
career day
career day
career day
career day
career day
career day
career day
career day
career day
career day
Scientists in action! Mrs. Hay's 4th graders used microscopes to look at carnation and pine tree stems along with sunflower pollen. Students were also observing and taking data for a celery experiment. 👩‍🔬🔬 ¡Hay científicos en la clase de la Sra. Hay! #JeffersonJourney🐝
4 months ago, Sharon Velazquez
science experiment
science experiment
science experiment
science experiment
Homecoming Week- Day 1! 4th graders wore blue and 5th graders wore red. ❤️💙 Semana de homecoming- Día 1. 4to grado vistió de azul y 5to grado vistió de rojo. #JeffersonJourney🐝
4 months ago, Sharon Velazquez
homecoming day 1
homecoming day 1
homecoming day 1
homecoming day 1
homecoming day 1
homecoming day 1
Mrs. Sullivan's students used their language keys for their lesson on asking friends to play. 🔑🤗 Los estudiantes de la Sra. Sullivan usaron sus claves de lenguaje para su lección sobre cómo pedirle a los amigos que jueguen. #JeffersonJourney🐝
4 months ago, Sharon Velazquez
language keys
language keys
language keys
Have a SUPER awesome weekend! 🦸 ¡Que tengas un fin de semana SUPER divertido! #JeffersonJourney🐝
4 months ago, Sharon Velazquez
superhero day
superhero day
4th graders spent part of their morning outside participating in the Metric Olympics - where they had use Math Skills such as measurement! 📏 Los estudiantes de 4to grado pasaron parte de la mañana afuera participando en las Olimpiadas Métricas. #JeffersonJourney🐝
4 months ago, Sharon Velazquez
metric olympics
metric olympics
metric olympics
Mr. Ochoa and Ms. Britton's classes enjoy playing Battleship while learning about geography and practicing concepts like the Equator line or Prime Meridian. 🌐🚢 Los estudiantes del Sr. Ochoa y la Srta. Britton están aprendiendo sobre geografía. #JeffersonJourney🐝
4 months ago, Sharon Velazquez
Are you ready to show some SCHOOL SPIRIT? Here is all the information for the Homecoming Week Dress Up Days! 🖤💛🖤💛🖤💛🖤💛 ¿Estás listo para mostrar tu ESPÍRITU ESCOLAR? ¡Aquí tienes toda la información para la vestimenta de la próxima semana! #JeffersonJourney🐝
4 months ago, Sharon Velazquez
homecoming week
homecoming week
Mr. Villazón's students used their collaboration skills during a self-directed learning activity. 🤝 Los estudiantes del Sr. Villazón utilizaron sus habilidades de colaboración durante una actividad de aprendizaje autodirigida. #JeffersonJourney🐝
4 months ago, Sharon Velazquez
Students and classes that showed the most Adaptability during the month of September were recognized at today's Assembly. 🌟Then, of course we had to play Hungry Hungry Hippos!!! 🦛 En la asamblea de hoy se reconieron a los estudiantes y a las clases que demostraron mayor adaptabilidad durante el mes de septiembre. Luego, ¡por supuesto, tuvimos que jugar a Hungry Hungry Hippos! #JeffersonJourney🐝
4 months ago, Sharon Velazquez
september assembly
september assembly
september assembly
september assembly
september assembly
september assembly
september assembly
september assembly
Mrs. Hay's 4th graders have been learning about their brains, so of course they had to make a "brain hat!" 🧠 Los alumnos de la Sra. Hay aprenden sobre el cerebro y crean un sombrero. #JeffersonJourney🐝
4 months ago, Sharon Velazquez
brain hat
brain hat
brain hat
brain hat
Mrs. Murillo's students make a list of different groups of people that deserve respect in a Character Ed lesson with Mr. Murray. 👍 Alumnos de la Sra. Murillo hacen una lista de diferentes grupos de personas que merecen respeto en la clase del Sr. Murray. #JeffersonJourney🐝
4 months ago, Sharon Velazquez
character ed
character ed
Ms. Arias’ students researched different businesses in Harvard and created promotional informative posters. 💰 Los estudiantes de la Sra. Arias investigaron diferentes empresas en Harvard y crearon carteles informativos promocionales. #JeffersonJourney🐝
4 months ago, Sharon Velazquez
harvard business
harvard business
harvard business
harvard business
harvard business
harvard business
harvard business
harvard business
harvard business
Mr. Galindo's Spanish small groups self-correct their Dictados. ✅ Los pequeños grupos de español del Sr. Galindo autocorrigen sus dictados. #JeffersonJourney🐝
4 months ago, Sharon Velazquez
spanish groups
spanish groups