Perry Weather Lightning Detection System

Harvard CUSD 50 recognizes the importance of providing a safe environment for those in and around our schools. The district has partnered with Perry Weather, a severe weather detection company that provides real time weather information and emergency notifications. This state of the art system will alert our students, staff and guests of lightning strikes and dangerous weather conditions.  

Weather information for Harvard CUSD 50 High School, including temperature, wind speed and direction can be found below. 

Harvard High School Weather Information

It is important to note that this resource will not be used to make decisions about school closures or inclement weather days, but is intended to keep our students and guests safe during outdoor events on school grounds.

How It Works: 

The system detects lightning activity within a specific mileage and provides an audible

indication. It will trigger an audible alert when lightning is detected within 10 miles. A strobe

light will flash on the unit while conditions remain unsafe. When it has been 30 minutes since

the last lightning strike occurred, the system will trigger an additional audible alert and the strobe light will turn off.


1. The siren sounds a single 15-second-long blast.

2. The strobe light will begin flashing on the Perry Weather system.

3. An automated message will play from the speakers instructing everyone to find a safe

place to shelter.

What you should do:

1. If you hear the sirens or see the light flashing, you must exit and seek safe shelter for the

duration of the lightning delay.

2. All outdoor activities must cease.


1. The siren sounds three separate 5-second-long blasts.

2. The strobe light will stop flashing.

3. An automated message will play from the speakers announcing it is safe to continue

outdoor activities.