Inclement Weather Information and FAQs

We’d like to remind you about Harvard CUSD 50 inclement weather protocols. Our goal is always to keep schools open, run a normal schedule, and provide in-person learning when possible. However, should inclement weather prevent this from happening, below are scenarios that could occur: 

  • Traditional Snow Day / No School

  • Delayed Start (2-hour delay)

  • E-Learning Day

The district will notify families about any changes to the school day by our automated system via a call, an email, and a text message as early as possible and typically no later than 5:00 a.m. This information will also be posted on the district website and social media channels.

Frequently Asked Questions 

What weather factors might cause school to be closed?

A significant snowfall that overwhelms the plows' ability to keep up with accumulation may result in a school closure. This situation can arise from either a rapid rate of snowfall or extensive blowing and drifting snow. In most cases, the timing of the snowfall has a greater impact on school operations than the total amount of snow. For instance, a heavy snowfall in the evening that concludes overnight is less likely to cause a closure, as plows will have sufficient time to clear the roads. However, a sudden, intense snowfall during the morning hours may necessitate a school closure due to the challenges it poses for road clearing and travel safety.

While often much less predictable than snow, an ice storm can be just as dangerous as a significant snowfall.

Cold temperatures
In Northern Illinois, we frequently experience extremely cold temperatures during the winter months. On days when such conditions occur, we remain committed to holding school unless the forecasted wind chill is -30°F or lower, at which point we will begin evaluating the potential for school closure. Our primary concern is the safe operation of buses and the well-being of students waiting at bus stops. While there is no specific temperature threshold, we carefully consider various factors, including actual temperature, wind chill, the duration and timing of the cold snap, and any associated weather advisories.

Why doesn’t the district always close school when there’s doubt about the weather?

A school closure must be warranted by the weather conditions. If we closed school every time there was snow on the streets or the temperature was cold, we would likely exceed the allotted number of snow days each year. Additionally, closing school has a substantial impact on families, as many parents would be required to make last-minute childcare arrangements. We aim to avoid causing such disruption unless it is absolutely necessary for the safety and well-being of our students.

When is the decision to close school made?

We rarely make a decision to close school based solely on a weather forecast, as there have been numerous instances where severe weather did not materialize as predicted. In most cases involving snow, the decision is made in the morning, though we strive to make it before 5:00 a.m. whenever possible. If the closure is related to temperature, the decision may be made the evening prior to ensure timely communication with families.

Does the District ever dismiss school early due to a weather event?

While we do not rule out the possibility entirely, early dismissal would only occur under the most extreme circumstances. There are significant concerns when making this decision. First, we must consider the potential for parents not receiving the information in time or being unable to make immediate childcare arrangements. We would never want to place a young child in a situation where they are dropped off to an empty house. Second, many of our buses run multiple routes throughout the day, meaning they may not be available if we need to dismiss early. Therefore, the logistics and safety of early dismissal are carefully considered before making such a decision.

Are after-school and extracurricular activities cancelled if school is closed?

Yes, if school is cancelled for the day, all after-school and extracurricular activities scheduled for that day will also be cancelled.

How are parents notified if school is closed?

Parents are notified of school closures through the district's mass notification system, which sends updates via automated phone call, email, text, and phone. Additionally, closing information is posted on the District 50 website at and on our social media platforms (fb link)(IG link)(Any Other link). For more details about Notifications and alerts, please visit our Alerts page (link).  

The Emergency notification system automatically imports phone numbers and email addresses from school records located in Powerschool.  It is critical that families keep their contact information current in Powerschool.  To update your contact information, please call central office (815)943-4022

Additional Questions?

If you have any questions or concerns, please call the District 50 administrative office at (815)943-4022. 

Alternate Schedules

Snow Day  / No School

If a traditional snow day is called there will be no school for staff or students. 

Delayed Start 

If weather conditions are expected to improve and travel conditions would be clear shortly after the start of the day, schools will follow a 2-hour delayed start as outlined below. Buses will run on a 2-hour delay. On delayed start schedule days, district buses will arrive at the scheduled pick-up points two hours later than their regularly scheduled time. Students who walk or drive to school should arrive at the times listed below. In the event a delayed start schedule is used, class periods will be shortened to accommodate a shorter day, but dismissal times will not change. See delayed start schedule below. 

Delayed Start Schedule

  • Washington:

    • No morning session

    • Afternoon 12:10 – 2:50 pm

  • Crosby Elementary: 10:30 am – 3:15 pm

  • Jefferson Elementary: 9:55 am – 2:55 pm

  • Harvard Jr. High: 10:00 am – 2:45 pm

  • Harvard High School: 10:00 am – 2:40 pm

Delayed Start Adjustments

  • Students arrive at the bus stop two hours later than your normal scheduled time

  • Parents dropping off students, students who walk, and students driving to school should arrive 2 hours after their regular arrival times.

  • Morning Washington School session canceled

  • Before-school programs will be canceled

  • After-school athletic programs will maintain normal schedules unless otherwise notified

E-Learning Day

After two snow days, future cancellations may transition to remote learning. Building principles will share details.  

Click here for our E-Learning plan!