Students in Ms. Bezares’ class have been busy learning attributes of 2D and 3D shapes and reading r-controlled words while playing a pop it race game. Ms. Bezares’ BEE group celebrated writing and illustrating their own books with reading their stories aloud to the class! #CrosBees

Mrs. Bomkamp's and Miss de la Rosa's class learning to read and write. #CrosBees

Third graders in Ms. Brady/Mrs. Robistow and Mrs. Juarez's class researched natural disasters and created posters. #CrosBees #HarvardPOG #Collaboration #CriticalLearner

🎶 2nd graders did a fabulous on their music program! #CrosBees

Mrs. Peceniak's Kindergarten Class is having fun learning their phonics skills through movement! We worked on encoding and decoding words with 4 sounds on our word hopscotch. We also played heart word bean bag toss as we practiced reading and writing the heart words we are learning. Whole body learning is so much fun in Kindergarten! #HarvardRising #CrosBees #CriticalLearner

This week, Ms. Serrano’s STARS crew had a very colorful week! From fine motor fruit loop rainbow projects, to rainbow experiments! Students were able to identify all colors and see and how fast or slow their rainbow grew! 🌈⭐️ #CrosBees

This student won this amazing soccer jersey at Harvard Family Fun Night and was so excited to wear it! #HarvardRising #CrosBees

Please enjoy our most recent Crosby newsletter and have a wonderful weekend!
ENGLISH - https://www.smore.com/n/fu9g7
¡Disfrute del boletín más reciente de Crosby y tengan un maravilloso fin de semana!
SPANISH- https://www.smore.com/n/dt9r2

📏 Mrs. Eade’s class has been working on measurement in centimeters and meters. Students made houses they measured in centimeters. Then while learning about estimating students learned an arms length is about a meter long. Students worked together to measure the classroom!

Mrs.Fusillo & Ms. Kalivoda’s classes have been learning about seasonal patterns. They had a Zoom call with Mr. Portillo’s Spanish II Speakers class that has been writing poems about the seasons. While the first graders shared a song they had learned, the high school students read their poems to them. They had so much fun! #HarvardRising #HarvardPOG #Collaboration

❤️This is National School Social Worker Week. Thank you to Mr. Barry, Mrs. Camara, and Mrs. Turnball! #HarvardRising #CrosBees

March lunch menu

🌀Mrs. Dahlke and Mrs. Robistow's class has been learning about extreme weather and Hurricane Katrina of 2005. Students designed a prototype to protect New Orleans from rising water. After designing, the prototypes were tested and students were able to adjust their plans. Finally, they re designed and retested to see if the water would stay away.

📏Mrs. Nulle's class is learning how to measure various objects around the room and compare the lengths in inches, feet and yards. #CrosBees #HarvardPOG #CriticalLearner

🎶The Harvard High School Band entertained us with some fantastic music this morning! Thank you so much, our students enjoyed the performance.

📚Next week we will be having Spirit Week to celebrate Read Across America Week. #CrosBees

Ms. Mercado & Mrs. Garay's classes were creating different structures to represent real life shelter that is safe and strong. #CrosBees #HarvardPOG #CriticalLearner #Collaboration

Mrs. Williams' class is working hard highlighting their current phonics skill in a UFLI passage. #CrosBees #Harvard POG #CriticalLearner

Sra. Kristi Juarez’s and Miss Behm’s classes celebrated Presidents’ Day by learning about Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. #CrosBees

Students in Ms. Kalivoda and Mrs. Fusillo's classes have been learning about seasons and daytime. They created a graph to compare the amount of daylight in each season, and then they discussed what activities are possible in each one according to the results they had observed. #HarvardPOG #CriticalLearner #Collaboration